Hey, there!

I'm So Glad You're Here.

Please, Take a look and if it seems like an aligned fit, sign up for a Pressure-Free Trial month to feel it out before any commitment.

My intention with this space is to share enough about this community  that you can make an informed decision about giving it a try or joining as a member. My approach is always as pressure-free and transparent as possible. It's my job to communicate clearly about what this community is about, and then leave it fully in your court to decide if it's an aligned fit! If you do decide to pursue support here, I love that and I'm so excited. I truly adore what we are doing here and am so grateful for every person who shows up - the community is better for your authentic presence in it!

About the Community

This community was designed to meet you right where you're at. Here's how:

Everyone's life looks different, but I feel it's safe to say we're all living dynamic ones. Schedule changes, capacity changes, etc.

  • Limited/Ever-changing time availability: Come to what you want to and have capacity for when you can. Don't when you can't. The community is here for you now and later.

  • 75%+ of our events are available virtually and you can show up however you are. Stay off video, stay on mute, have kids with you, show up late, leave early - wherever you're at, you're welcome here.
  • Most sessions are recorded and posted to the forum within 24 hours of the event... and stay there forever. No rush. Get to them when you can!
  • 1:1 sessions can be scheduled evenings, daytimes, weekends... I'm a person with a dynamic schedule, too. And I'm committed to flexibility to meet you where you have free time as much as possible. No consequence for having to cancel or reschedule.

  • Capacity/Needs/Desire fluctuations: I know that sometimes we have appetite to take in ALL THE INFORMATION, and sometimes we're processing, and sometimes we're burnt out and can't respond to a text message. You're welcome here at every stage.

  • Show up to every event one month and none the next - totally fine. No one will guilt you for it.
  • Show up to only 1:1 sessions once a month because your social battery is at zero - and you still want support.
  • Only watch recordings and engage on the forum.
  • Stay forever, or cancel whenever. Just shoot me a text, I'll take care of the rest. We don't even have to talk about the 'why'.

  • Shifting Financial Situation: If you want this kind of support, I want you to have access to it. Most of us are feeling the squeeze of the systemic challenges in today's society. Your value as part of this community is not dictated by your ability to contribute a certain dollar amount each month.

  • Set the monthly price at what makes sense for you. This amount should be the one that makes it an "easy yes". That will look different for everyone.
  • Join the community when you need it and start paying when you can.
  • Pay $10 when that's what's comfortable for you and when $100 is comfortable, let me know and I'll change it for you. 
  • Do the reverse of that and it's fine, too!

I hope this makes it abundantly clear that this community is here for you, and meant to remove as many barriers as possible to support for the person within the parent you are.

Core Values

These are the values are at the foundation of my practice and this community. Please, read through them to ensure this community is an aligned enough fit for you.

Transparency & Authenticity

This community is dedicated to being a safe enough place for all community members to embrace and express their authentic selves. That includes LQGBTQ+ folks. That includes Black, Indigenous, and all other People of Color. That includes folks from all socioeconomic walks of life. We won't show up perfectly all the time, but we're committed to repair and effortful evolution.

Integrity &


I honor the privilege that it is to work with you in this capacity. I commit to showing up in integrity with my core values and the respect for the nature of this intimate collaboration.

I center gratitude for each person who enters into the intention of this community and this work with me. I am fully aware of all that it requires, and that it is only possible with willing participants. When we work together it is because you want to be here, with me, on purpose and I am perpetually grateful for that.

Flexibility & Evolution

I acknowledge the unique nature of each member of this community. I  lean into the flexibility needed to meet each person where they are at - attuning to their specific needs and allowing as much flexibility as possible. I welcome feedback and specific requests for support and am committed to evolving this community in the direction that will expand its ability to serve its members the most as time passes.

Logistical Details

What's Included

- In-person and virtual sessions to include workshops, group coaching, group support, exploration sessions, children-included community building, and more (3-4 per month, scheduled different days/times to accommodate the variety of availabilities in our community)

- One 1:1 coaching/support session with Lindsay each month for each community member (additional 1:1 sessions can always be added at standard sliding scale rate)

-Access to a private, community forum which includes recordings of past HGC live sessions, pre-recorded content/conversations/invitations to practice, community chats/threads, articles/written resources, community requests for support



Upcoming monthly calendars will be posted in the private  community forum by the 15th of the prior month. The calendar will include all of the group events planned for that month as well as my personal availability for 1:1 sessions (to be scheduled directly with me). I request that you register for each event you plan to attend in a month, at your earliest convenience, so I may plan accordingly. Events with fewer than 3 registered participants may be cancelled - likely to be offered again, somewhere down the line. Events will have a maximum number of participants to support the 'small community' dynamic. If need be, multiple of the same offering will be scheduled to accommodate community desires. Events will be scheduled at different days/times throughout the month to accommodate the variety of availabilities present in our community and I’m always open to feedback, suggestions, and requests from folks, regarding what timing would serve them best. 

Current Event Types

Monthly Education Session

Offered once a month, these sessions are intended to introduce or further explore topics pertinent to conscious parenting (nervous system science, healthy aggression, power of play, attachment theory, etc.). I do my best to make these sessions conversational and engaging, but they are more educational in nature than the sharing/support sessions and will have a specific, central topic each month. 


Monthly Sharing/Support Session

Offered once a month, this event is a space for community support through practicing active/reflective listening. We support one another by witnessing each other in the act of parenting by creating a safe space to share our stories of struggle, of celebration, of honest reflection and encouragement. I will facilitate these sessions, but am primarily here to help us “be with” each other and gift belonging to the group. 

Somatic Play Workshops

Workshops will include topics relevant to, but not always directly tied to parenting. We will explore frameworks and concepts from the fields of psychology and general wellness - typically through play and somatic work. We get deep into the integration space here and invite you into your stretch zone, rooted in curiosity. We run experiments, detached from outcomes and expectations, to understand how the concept/framework applies to us each as individuals. This is potentially vulnerable exploration and so we lean into the support and accountability of social engagement.

Child-Included Meetups

We will offer opportunities for those who struggle to find “adult-only” time to engage and connect with likeminded people raising kids. We won’t have as much structure here, but it’s a great place to get introduced to the community or participate during seasons when child-free time is hard to come by. 

Scan the QR code for a Free Trial Month

Ready to Join? Yay! Fill out the form on the Service Pricing Page


You can also reach me through the community forum throughout your trial month & as a community member.

Contact Me:

Home Glow Coaching & Support

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